Thursday, July 4, 2013

Growing up with the Holy Ghost Part I: Child of God

This is  part one of my religious up bringing. This focuses on my early childhood mostly as a Baptist. I will talk about some life events during this portion of my life from about the age of seven to twelve, that I remember, and my thoughts on them now. Part two will be about my early teen years and switching to the Pentecostal life from the ages of thirteen to about seventeen. It will be on some of personal life events, my views at the time and how that has affected me...and of course what I think of them now. I hope you enjoy! 

_________________________________________________________________________________Before I go into the negatives I experienced, I will say that my time as a Christian wasn't a horrible experience. I met some amazing people that I will always cherish. I had a great time growing up with my Christian friends and hanging out with some wonderful people every week. No matter how I feel about religion and some Christians I meet, that will not change. I also want to clear something else up. I may use language that seems that I acknowledge the existence of God, so I want to make clear that I use that language when it is needed in referring to my previous beliefs , what others believe and in other contexts. I just simply don't stick "allegedly", "supposedly" and other words in front of every mention of the word "God". It gets redundant, boring and is not needed when I am writing from certain viewpoints. So, please know that I do not believe in the existence of a God and I am not acknowledging one, just simply the beliefs and viewpoints I and others held and do hold. Another thing I want to clear up is when I use the word "God". I am mostly talking about the Christian version. I do mention other religions as well and sometimes I use the word broadly, but mostly it's the Christian God I am referring to because that's what I am most familiar with, that's mostly who my readers are affiliated with and it's the version that I am surrounded by and has the most effects on me personally and everything around me. It's also what religion I believed in and refer to during my personal story. But please know that I do not believe in any other version either and will likely cover other religions as well in future blogs.

As I mentioned in my last blog, I grew up in a Baptist/Pentecostal family. I remember going to church when I was younger, mostly with my great-grandmother to her Pentecostal church. One that was frequented by snake-handlers many years before. At the age of seven my mom married my stepfather and we began to attend the Baptist church he had attended since he was young. This is where I was introduced to things like Sunday school and youth meetings. I always looked forward going to going to them. We would play games like who could look up a Bible verse the fastest and read it aloud, for example, along with a ton of different games that dealt with the message of that particular meeting. I could never wait for Wednesday nights and youth! We would have "lock-ins" where we would stay up all night, eat pizza and play games. It was my only socializing outside of school. I was saving my soul and having fun at the same time, what could have been better than that? I even played Joseph in the Christmas play a few times. The heretic today was nowhere to be found in the "good, Christian boy" then. I still have the bible that was given to me by the youth group, an earned treasure. I still have it today...

When summer came around, I would attend a Christian summer camp for a short time. It was mostly camp-like activities during the day with the exception of required attendance of morning and evening church services, with a midday service some days. Camp will always be something I will remember. Not because of the games and boating on the lake, but because at camp in 1999 I was "saved" for the first time. It was about a week into a normal camp stay, nothing too special had happened except for the typical saving of some of the very juvenile and slightly delinquent souls. During one evening service, the pastor was giving an unusually fiery sermon to the dozens of tweens in attendance. Temptation and hell was the topic, I remember. He told of what was coming and it didn't sound good, especially for a mature nine year old soul like myself. According to him, there were some crazy things about to happen with the world and a lot of it included it not being here anymore. Needless to say, it was important to get some insurance. Not that nine years old meant we were living on borrowed biological time, but biblically we should probably start working on our bucket-list with the impending apocalypse. We were pre-pubescent sinners, but heathens nonetheless, and we were only going to keep sinning as impure and sinful thoughts were carried on the back of puberty. The sins would be larger and to make matters worse, there might even be some homosexuals among us. The pastor had an answer, a solution to our young woes. All we had to do was accept Jesus and we'd be set. I already really loved Jesus like I was told to do, so this seemed easy enough. Those that wanted to accept Jesus Christ into their hearts could come up, go behind the stage and get to acceptin'. Several dozen of us were overwhelmed with our love for God scared shit-less enough to go back stage where we were broken down into a handful of groups as the energetic, spike-haired man of God made his way around to each one. He made his way through a couple of groups before he eventually came to us. There was a reminder of the consequences, the way to avoid it and the question..."Do you accept Jesus Christ into your heart as your personal Lord and Savior?". We all naturally accepted, and it was as easy as Christians say. Well, it certainly appeared easy when viewed by a nine year old or equally enamored, myopic eyes on the Lord. Regardless, all my pre-pubescent peccadilloes had been washed away. I was straight with the house and just plain straight. Heaven awaited me and things were all right. I was feeling pretty good about myself. I felt I had just made a life decision that set me apart from a good portion of the world. I had accepted Jesus into my heart at the age of nine and my future was set. If I kept on the path of the straight and narrow (no pun intended), I would have a successful future and God would take care of me. I also had heaven to look forward to and I would walk hand-in-hand with him down streets of gold. Not only that, I had all of the answers I ever needed through Christianity growing up.

Where did we come from? God.

What will happen to us when we die? Christians, like you, will be with the Father in Heaven.

Will I ever see my great-grandmother Mammaw Carrie, again? Yes, she was a strong Christian. She's in heaven, young and healthy again.

How did my grandfather survive his heart-attacks? God was watching over him, he is responsible for all medical successes. He invented it, we're just using his tools. 

Why did 9/11 happen? The devil did that, the terrorists weren't Christians and Satan got a hold of them through their false religion. All other religions are really the work of the devil and he uses those to attack Christians. 

Why doesn't God stop him or the suffering all over the world? It's just his will, don't question it.

That was pretty much the answer to every single question I ever had. God was responsible for every positive thing that ever happened or will happen, regardless of how negligently intermittent his actions were. If any bad thing happened, the devil and his demons were responsible, even though God controlled everything. It happened because of God's enigmatic will, us children could never understand. If there was something that you just couldn't quite get your head around, you just didn't have enough faith and the devil was likely interfering. After a prayer meeting, you'd be fine and understand that God was always the answer. Sticking your fingers in your ears and repeating "God did it." is required at that age and essentially your entire life.

After the big event, there was a little confusion. First of all, I didn't know what really happened. The word "saved" wasn't mentioned that I could recall. I had always thought it was a much deeper and longer process that consisted of you and the preacher in private. I didn't find out that I was "saved" until I was talking to my friends and the camp leaders later on that night. I was a bit surprised and a bit more confused. I didn't feel much different, at least compared to what I was expecting. There were no signs of any cardiac-penetration by a Father, Son, or Holy ghost. Even so, I accepted the fact that I was now saved and still accepted Christ with my nine year old credulity. I did feel somewhat different, an uneasy feeling. I remember it hitting me that I was very young and that meant I had a long time on my hands to screw it all up. I also wondered how serious anyone took me when I told them I had been saved at the age of nine. I had just got my time-tables down not long before, so how could I have made such a huge life decision? Puberty still awaited me, but if I didn't get myself saved, hell awaited me? I was indeed saved, but it still didn't make much sense. This makes me wonder now, why isn't there an age of consent for the teaching of religion? You aren't really consenting to anything, you're being forced to do what someone else wants without the ability to determine what's right and wrong for you, and what's fiction from reality.

Fortunately, I can say that I was never mistreated during this time of my life. While religious, my parents are also pretty liberal on social issues that many others around me were not. There are far more worse things that others have been subjected to in the same situation. As I mentioned before, I enjoyed this time of my life for the most part. But as a kid, I didn't fully realize the effects of growing up in a culture like this. That is why religion is particularly harmful when you get your divine doses so early in life. If you start to question and step out of the God-glazed bubble, you see things differently. I wouldn't begin to really question anything until years later. I realized how much religion had affected me even though I didn't even know it. When I was taught that the earth was 6,000 years old, that was harmful to me. When I was taught that the world started from two fully developed human beings created from dirt, that was harmful to me. When I was taught that evolution never happened and was just a tool of the devil, that was harmful to me. When I was taught that the earth was flooded and every creature was rounded up two-by-two, that people lived to be 800-900 years old in biblical times, that a man was born by a virgin, walked on water and rose from the dead...that was harmful to me. It was harmful to me mentally and intellectually. When I was taught that all of that was the absolute truth, that any claim to the contrary is a lie, that questioning any of it can send me hell, that was extremely harmful to me. You're not just told these things are true, you are forbidden to question them. That is perhaps the biggest tragedy of all. You're forced to believe such, with no proof, to be accepted by your creator, to avoid eternal damnation and see your loved ones again. Your freewill is robbed by a religion that espouses the very concept. Your imagination seeking individuality is crucified by Christ himself. To cause a child to become circumspect toward what is real and true is a blinding affliction. A revocable devotion to a dilapidated deity masquerading as anything resembling the truth is the real sin.

Another thing Christianity did was allow me to experience real fear. The fear I felt was more real than anything else. It was stronger than the love and connection I had for God. It wasn't that my faith was weak, I believed in it as much as anyone, anywhere. The fear was terrifying, but now I realize that's just how it's supposed to be. Without the fear of something like hell and a loving God's vengeance, it doesn't stick. While "no questioning" is the edict, the fear of hell and punishment is the enforcer. I don't know how many times I heard how doubting/questioning was a tool of the devil and result of his meddling, but it seemed to accompany every lecture. If you doubted the dubious, Satan was in possession of you and he would lead you away from God and into Hell. That was enough to push a lot of legitimate, yet Satan-inspired questions out of my mind. The amount of hindering of thought and individual growth caused by religion is immeasurable. Along with this internal fight with the devil over my mind, I was still a flawed human being in perpetual sin according to the God that created me in his own image. Emotionally speaking, there are only a few things that can damage you more than religion. Some don't even realize it. Have you ever had a relationship in which you feel that whatever you do, you're not good enough and never will be? It has a large, negative effect most of the time. Some realize this and end it, others stay because they feel they love that person and may eventually be good enough. This is essentially an average relationship between Christians and their God. Unlike a relationship with a significant other you might have experienced, it's much harder to break it off with someone you're told created you, loves you unconditionally but will send you to hell if you leave. According to the Bible, we screwed up from day one and have been doing it ever since. While Jesus did die for us, we are still condemned unless we accept Him into our life, worship him, and constantly repent for the sins we commit everyday. If we don't, Almighty God will send us to hell. There's no free-will in that, the worst kind of relationship.

We're told we owe everything to God. We're alive because of him, our loved ones too, and every single good thing that has ever happened to us, He's the cause of that. We have an obligation to love and obey him unconditionally based on that alone Another important reason is that we will die someday and our afterlife will depend on our devotion to God. We can be ungrateful for all God has done and commit sins without repentance, the end result being eternal pain and agony in hell; or we can dedicate our entire lives to God, always praising what he has done no matter what and constantly asking forgiveness for being a terrible human-being. It doesn't even sound that bad when you look at it from that perspective, especially when you have been convinced since you were a child that you are forever in debt to God and he is even going to reward you if you just do what he says, ever how undeserving you are. I didn't think much of it; it sounded like a good deal. Today, however, I see how imperil and flawed that was.

My first issue is that I was told, as an innocent child, I was a flawed, unworthy person. I understand that we as human-beings have many imperfections, but our imperfections have nothing to do with manufactured faults from a two-thousand year old book. We're made to feel ashamed of our bodies and sexuality. We're told that if we're attracted to someone of the same-sex, we're abominations to the Lord. We're made to feel inferior in every way for just being ourselves, the way God supposedly made us. We're told to reject complete strangers because of their sins or their opposing beliefs. We're told we're forever-flawed because, again, what men deemed right/wrong 2,000 years ago in a horrendous society. Keep in mind that this same book tells you how to treat your slaves (Leviticus 25:44 -45 -46, Exodus 21:2 -3 -4 -5 -6) and not to not have fucking slaves! It doesn't condemn rape, only that the rapist must pay her father and marry her, never allowed to be divorced from her (Deuteronomy 22:28 -29), that the rape victim may be put to death (Deuteronomy 22:23 -24) and apparently God lets men who attack the cities he wants, to rape the women and children (Deuteronomy 20:10 -11 -12 -13 -14) - the last one being one of several supposedly historical accounts of Gods gift to those that kill in his name. But nothing about not fucking raping someone! As you can see, the book is clearly written by men. Women are treated like chattel. They are forbidden to speak in church or ask questions (1 Corinthians 14:34 -35), daughters can be sold into slavery by their fathers and can't be set free (Exodus 21:7), women must keep their head covered and must always obey men (1 Corinthians 11:6) - I could go on and on about how women were to be treated according to the Bible. I know I rambled on a bit, but I wanted to make clear what kind of people we're talking about. The same people that wrote this, supposedly inspired by the perfect Father, are the same ones that have deemed you flawed in the eyes of God.They made the rules allowing this disgusting atrocity and that horrific act, yet you're the immoral one that's worthy of hell? Of course these things aren't told to you as a child, those particular verses are missing from most Sunday sermons even though the Bible is full of similar divinely-deplorable laws. We're told that we owe everything to an invisible being that is responsible for every positive thing. We're told to do this without a single bit of proof. We also must always beg forgiveness to Him because of our completely natural actions that have been deemed immoral by a book that any person with half a conscience would consider to be grossly immoral at best and when examined there's so little to base even the weakest belief on and so little morality to base even the most half-hearted attempt at a just and compassionate life. 

The biggest issue to me with this is the unwavering devotion to a God that has little to no evidence to his existence. There's no verifiable account that anyone has ever seen, touched or heard this deity (but I understand that many think they have). What's most damning to me is that there is no historical, natural or circumstantial evidence to support the notion of a God, especially the Christian one (or any major, modern religion of that matter). I know some believe there are mountains of evidence, but in reality that's not the case. Atheists are always told that we're angry at God, that we just refuse to acknowledge him. This couldn't be any further from the truth considering we can't be mad at or ignore something that we believe isn't there. Most people, like I did, accepted there was a God without any sort of examining. I assumed everything in the Bible was true and that evidence was more than enough to establish God's existence. However, when you do a little reading, you learn that the Bible isn't the solid foundation you once thought it was. Among the things I learned was that there was never an Adam and Eve, there was no Great Flood, there is no evidence of a city called Sodom and Gomorrah(no, it never existed before it was supposedly destroyed), there was no Tower of Babel and there's a long list of people and places that never existed. The fact that there is no evidence or even a mention of many biblical events, people and places outside of the Bible was a massive hit to my belief in Christianity years later. What were the pillars of my acquiescent ardor for the messiah, became the protagonist for the jilting of Jesus in my life. There was no enmity with the evidence-less entity I called Father, the pious preeminence of the Lord was gone. I didn't just find that the eternal emperor had no clothes. The emperor was never there to begin with. 

I now realize why religion is pushed on younger people as often as it is. At that time in your life, you're extremely impressionable. Your opinions are shaped largely by those around you, family usually being biggest influence. Everything from the food you eat to simple political views are chosen in youth. This is why you find such a minority of people who have split off from their parents political or religious views. A lot of things are simply picked up and carried on through life. Things like religion, however, are often pushed on children for a specific reason. Adolescence is an advantageous time for religion and your membership must come with birth whether you like it or not. While we can't blame parents for not wanting their children to miss out on something like religion with its perceived benefits and safeguard them from the harsh consequences it creates, it still doesn't make it right. A list of religions aren't laid out in front of the kid by the parents, it's just drilled into them that their beliefs are true and that's the end of that. How many kids would pick that religion, or a religion at all, if more choices were put forth? Or if only just the 41,000+ denominations of Christianity were laid out, how many would pick their parents' particular one? There simply is no such thing as "free-will" when it comes to religion. It's an illusion. If you're a Christian, you likely didn't choose to be a Christian no more than you chose where to be born or who your parents were. Your parents and locationlocationlocation. How many Christians can really say that if they were born in an Islamic nation, that they would still be a Christian? While there are exceptions, you'd likely be Muslim because you were born in a predominately Muslim area to Muslim parents. That's a hard pill to swallow, but it's the reality of the situation. How true and special can your religion be when the factors that determine your most sacred beliefs aren't much different than the factors that decide which sports team you root for? Indoctrination isn't a good thing, yet whether people want to admit it or not, that's exactly what happens to children with religion. Richard Dawkins said in his book The God Delusion, "There is no such thing as a Christian child: only a child of Christian parents." There's no better way to put it. And since we're not born with any knowledge of religion and certainly not a belief in a God, we're all born atheists until someone tells us there's something there that really isn't.

I look back during this part of my life and have mixed feelings. As I said, I was never mistreated and never experienced anything horrific because of religion. Some young people are kicked out of their home for being homosexual. That's purely because of religion for it is the catalyst of the hostility and hatred towards gays and lesbians. Societal definitions of natural and unnatural is where the "it's unnatural" notion comes from, homosexuality is natural in the natural world. The hate and bigotry aimed at homosexuality is not: it's a choice, unnatural, and synthetic as the man-manufactured sin it derives from. This group of people are driven to depression and suicide, sometimes they are murdered and beaten, and are outcast by their own family into the streets with no one. All because of a handful of sentences condemning homosexuality that a man named Moses and Paul said to some others, who they told and passed on and on and on to someone who wrote it down, that God told them that's what he wanted. What little good that can come from a place where hatred is derived cannot overcome all of the ills of the world that is caused by religion. It still could have been worse. I wasn't one of the children who was let die because my parents rejected medical care and replaced it with prayer, like the parents of this sick girl. She died a horribly painful death because her parents refused to seek medical care, instead praying, something that consistently fails (it's true, but I'll go into that more with an upcoming blog). She wouldn't even give the poor thing Pedialyte for the severe dehydration she was suffering because "that would take the glory away from God", according to her mother. There was no glory or God to be found when the girl later died suffering, even then the parents thought God would raise her from the dead. This is just one of the modern cases out of hundreds of recorded ones since the 1970's. There's been countless many before. I could have been them and that still scares me to this day. These people worship the same absent and ambiguous Abrahamac version of God my family does and seek guidance from the same beacon-less book. As long as there are people that do as well, the inflictions will be inherent and infinite. 

I was one of the luckier ones because I have a good family who are good without a God, even if they don't know it. While I am happy because of that fact, I didn't escape growing up with the Holy Ghost unscathed. It wasn't life-threatening injuries, but there are scars. It was something that had a grip on my life, but not tight enough. The grip seemed strong, but I found that the hands of my religion are weak and fragile. The hold it may have on you is just no match for the natural and internal intellectual-hostility toward such scared suppositions. My savior's impact was surreptitious and only now have I started to see the negative baggage that came with my religious upbringing. Pious prejudices were created inside me. Curiosity and inquiry were pushed out to make room for divine absurdities that carried no more truth in tow than the bedtime stories I heard growing up. Even though our imagination as a child is supposed to be cultivated, inquisitiveness was not a prerequisite for my religion. Nor welcome, I later learned. Taking from the Tree of Knowledge was a sin for a reason and is still the greatest of all sins today because if you do, you might just end up like a godless heretic like me...

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